Max is a skilled teacher and speaker and will be hosting the following workshops and events:

Nulistix mentoring sessions
It’s important to Max that students feel confident working with Nulistix (numerology). As part of his ongoing commitment to developing your skills, Max will host complimentary 30-minute Zoom sessions every month exclusively for Nulistix students. This is a Q&A session designed for you and where you can ask questions, receive valuable insights and connect with like-minded people.

Nulistix & Palmistry webinars
Max is passionate about teaching and empowering people all over the globe. Join Max as he hosts a wide range of educational webinars that you can participate in from the comfort of your own home, with a focus on Nulistix (numerology), palmistry, dream interpretation, inspirational wisdom, spiritual development tips, tools and coaching.
Coming soon!

Educational Workshops
Max’s palmistry & Nulistix (numerology) workshops are always popular and are guaranteed to please and inspire. You’ll benefit from over 40 years of hands-on experience using these amazing tools. Whether you’re an absolute beginner or a seasoned professional, there is always so much to gain and learn from attending these workshops
Nulistix workshops coming soon!
For advance notice of events, workshops and latest news subscribe to Max’s e-newsletter.